Use "spore|spores" in a sentence

1. Bolete Porcini Mushroom Spores Grow Kit Dry Spore Sawdust Wild Garden Mushrooms ShinnFungi

2. The two spore types differed in UV tolerance, with aerial spores being less sensitive to environmentally relevant UV radiation.

3. An easy way to distinguish between the two, or to identify any mushroom, is by creating a spore print. Blewit spores are white where as Cortinarius spores are rusty orange

4. Ascomycetes Ascomycetes are 'spore shooters'. produce microscopic spores inside special, elongated cells or sacs, known as 'asci', which give the group its name

5. These spores are carried by wind to balsam fir trees that serve as an alternate host and where another type of spore (aeciospores) is formed.

6. These are spores -- this is in their spores.

7. Blewit spores are white where as Cortinarius spores are rusty orange

8. Each Amoebula is surrounded by a spore case to form a spore

9. 27 Tricyclazole mostly control spore bourgeon and restrain accrete-spore formed, thereby effectively prevent germina inroad and reduce piricularia leaf spot of rice produce spore.

10. 1 word related to Basidiospore: spore

11. The form of the developing spore and sterigma shows that the spore is forcibly Abstricted while the membrane

12. The form of the developing spore and sterigma shows that the spore is forcibly Abstricted while the membrane

13. Now after sporulation, the spores repel.

14. Tuber Brumale spores identification wild truffle

15. As a result, dyad spores formed.

16. Key words: Myxosoma cerebralis, myxosporidans, spore detection

17. Among the non-sporangiate actinomycetes five types of aerial spore formation are discussed, the Streptomyces-type, Microbispora-type, Thermomonospora-type, Pseudonocardia-type, and the formation of spores described by Krassilnikov and Agre for two species of Thermopolyspora.

18. 2 words related to Chlamydospore: spore, teliospore

19. 1 word related to Basidiospore: spore

20. Title Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae.

21. No anaerobic spore-forming bacteria were detected.

22. The form of the developing spore and sterigma shows that the spore is forcibly Abstricted while the membrane is still fluid

23. Can Archaebacteria produce spores? answer choices

24. I tried the make the Cacodemon in spore

25. 2 words related to Chlamydospore: spore, teliospore

26. The Apicomplexa are unicellular and spore-forming.

27. These facts suggested that ungerminated spores were defective in the ability to utilize fructose and that germinated spores acquired this ability.

28. Studies in the spore morphology of Vittaria Smith.

29. We found those spores here on earth, Adam.

30. ‘The fungus produces a type of spore - a Basidiospore - that can be spread from plant to plant by wind or splashing water.’ ‘After 2-3 weeks of incubation at room temperature, extensive hyphae were produced and both Basidiospores (sexual spores) and blastospores (asexual …

31. The spore is oval and has a warty surface.

32. Basidiospore is a sexual spore produced by basidiomycetes fungi

33. Basidiospore — A Basidiospore is a reproductive spore produced by Basidiomycete fungi

34. The result of growth of a uninucleate or binucleate Amoebula spore

35. Chlamydospore definition is - a thick-walled usually resting fungal spore.

36. Botrytis spores are almost always present in vineyards.

37. Cryptogams are lower plants, which reproduce by spores.

38. These plants rarely produce spores but propagate vegetatively.

39. The germinative response of the coat-depleted spores to adenosine and several analogues thereof was found qualitatively similar to that obtained with intact spores.

40. What does Chlamydospore mean? A thick-walled fungal spore that is derived from a hyphal cell and can function as a resting spore

41. Germination of alkali-treated spores was completely lysozyme-dependent.

42. Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores.

43. Corner (1957) stated: "Both Singer's collections have spores up to 17 X 5 [micro]m, and the branch-tips tended to be Cristate, which is unusual."The latter character, basidiome color, and spore shape are the three leading separating characters for L.

44. Bacteria reproduce by fission or by forming spores.

45. Conks are the spore producing fruiting structures of a fungus

46. Basidiospore definition is - a spore produced by a basidium.

47. Bacterial spore having therapeutic agent adsorbed on its surface

48. Sunkens and Spore Colonies will not expand the creep.

49. A spore can quickly spread and form a mould.

50. Spores of Bryophytes are generally small, 5–20 micrometres on the average, and usually unicellular, although some spores are multicellular and considerably larger

51. Chanterelle spores appear white, sometimes blending into a light yellow

52. I actually chased the mycelium, when it stopped producing spores.

53. The Organism: Bacillus cereus is a facultative anaerobic spore forming bacteria

54. Skinnable alchemical ingredients are Echinops Rootstock, Spores and Archespore Juice.

55. Gastric content was negative for spores, so no mushroom toxicity.

56. The fry were then examined for M. cerebralis spores.

57. The Creeper comes in two forms: Ground Creeper and Spores

58. Key words: spore-forming bacteria, phenol, benzoic acid, methanogenic conditions, carboxylation.

59. While Cryptogams reproduce through spores, Phanerogams reproduce through seeds.

60. A Basidium usually bears four sexual spores called basidiospores.

61. Basidiospore definition, a spore that is borne by a Basidium

62. After liberation from the spore wall, the uninucleate Amoebula penetrates …

63. Basidium is a sexual spore-bearing cell produced in basidiomycetes fungi

64. Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic, spore-performing bacterium.

65. Coccidioidomycosis is an infection caused by inhaling the microscopic spores of the fungus Coccidioides immitis. Spores are the tiny, thick-walled structures that fungi use to reproduce

66. The spore morphology of Histiopteris and Pteris is very differential , put genus Histiopteris in family Pteridaceae is not suitable, according to the feature of spore morphology .

67. By definition, lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium) do not form spores.

68. Spores normally resist desiccation and have many ordinary procedures of disinfection.

69. Key words: ultrasonication, Botrytis cinerea, spore adhesion, butyl acetate, fungal ecology, phyllosphere.

70. Glutaraldehyde is effective against a range of microorganisms including spores.

71. The Spore Ampules may be utilized to monitor Steam sterilization efficacy

72. Spore : Creature Keeper, a standalone product aimed at the younger PC gamer.

73. Heterospory The production of two different sizes of spore: microspores and megaspores.

74. Botry-Zen® is a live spore preparation of a non-pathogenic saprophytic fungus

75. Botulinum definition is - a spore-forming bacterium (Clostridium Botulinum) that secretes Botulinum toxin.

76. The haploid pollen cells develop in the tapetal zone from spore mother cells.

77. Aprehend® is composed of fungal spores applied in a proprietary process

78. In addition, aerial mycelium with spores in chains, as inStreptomyces, is produced.

79. Plants that are homosporous produce spores of the same size and type.

80. And the spores are germinating, and the mycelium forms and goes underground.